Wednesday 25 March 2020

Free Picture Study Resource: Tom Roberts - Part 1

Australian artists tend to be neglected, partly because there isn't anywhere near as much information about them compared to artists from other parts of the world. I put this guide together for those who would like to explore some great works by an Australian artist who made an important contribution to the art world. Tom Roberts painted some iconic works that showpiece the Australian landscape but he also was an excellent portraitist. This resource has two parts. In this first part, I've included mostly landscapes but in Part 2 I'll include mostly portraits.
This is a simple guide and it's also the first time I've done anything like this. Hopefully you will be able to download it without any problems. If there are any, please let me know in the comments and I will try to fix them. If you enjoy it, let me know, too!

Download PDF to view this:


Claire and Colin said...

Finally using these resources. Thank you so much! But I don't know how I'm going to choose which ones to use, his artwork is all so beautiful...

Carol said...

Good to know it’s being used 😊 We went to the Tom Roberts exhibition when it was in Canberra a few years ago and it was lovely. It was hard not to include even more!

RegainingHealth said...

Thank you so much for publishing these resources!

Carol said...

You're very welcome. :)