Wednesday 11 January 2023

For the Family's Sake - Thoughts on each chapter



Elena Wiggins said...

Hi Carol! I really enjoyed For the Child's Sake, so I have had this book on my TBR. Your read-along has given me a great reason to bump it up my list of parenting books I want to read this year!

Cleo said...

I'm always so impressed with how you stay on track with your reading. Probably years of focussed homeschooling, huh? I was able to download this one so I will be reading it and referring to your notes at some point. Thanks for all the work!

Carol said...

Hi Elena, it's a parenting 'classic' - I think so, anyhow. :)

Carol said...

Cleo! Good to hear from you. I have trouble commenting on your w/press account. I don't know what I'm doing wrong??
Re staying on track - I always feel compelled to finish a book probably because I usually have a good idea that I'd appreciate it before I start. Although I'm struggling with one at the moment and I keep thinking I'll give up on it.