Tuesday 3 November 2020

AusReading Month 2020


November is the month for all books Australian. and this year the AusReading challenge is back. Brona has suggested ways for us to share our love of Australian literature and has plenty of books to recommend if you need help to get started.

I'm taking the plunge with a door stopping tome (950 pages) from the early 1900's:

The Fortunes of Richard Mahoney by Henry Handel Richardson (the pen name of Ethel Florence Lindesay Richardson) Set in Victoria

Originally published in three volumes between 1917 and 1929, they were combined into one book under the above title which was published in 1930.

Some other Australian books I've read in recent months but haven't blogged about yet, but hopefully might during November, are the following:

The Lake House by Kate Morton (2001) Set in England; Australian author

The Commandant by Jessica Anderson (1975) Set in Brisbane, QLD

A Testament of Character by Sulari Gentill (2020) Australian author

The Far Country by Nevil Shute (1952) Set in Victoria

For details of the AusReading Month please check out Brona's Books. Hope you join us. It's a no pressure challenge to showcase the literary goodness that can be found Downunder.


Brian Joseph said...

These all sound like such interesting books. I would be interested in reading posts on them.

I tend to read a lot of long books so have fun with the 950 pages :)

Carol said...

I usually enjoy the longer books once I get going but it’s the initial starting that I’m slow to get to. The longer well-wriiten books are rewarding as they leave enough time to develop the characters, which is one of the most pleasurable things for me.

Brona said...

The Fortunes of Richard Mahoney is now one of my all-time favourite Australian books. It's a commitment, but I found it so rewarding and engrossing at the same time. I hope you do too.
Read The Commandant for an AusreadingMonth a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it too - I hope you review it soon :-)

A Testament of Character was one of my reads this year too. Love this series a LOT!

Carol said...

Hi Brona, it’s an easy book to read in many ways; very interesting & her writing is lovely. I should finish it this month.

Anonymous said...

I'd forgotten that Neville Shute is Australian - that means my little stack of Aus novels has just been expanded.....

Carol said...

Yeah! I discovered after reading Brona's post that Elizabeth Von Armin was Australian - well, born here & left Australia when she was 3.