Monday 19 December 2016

2016 European Reading Challenge - Wrap-up Post

The European Reading Challenge is hosted by Rose City Reader and is on again next year. See here for details. These are the books I've read for the challenge this year that were either set in Europe or were written by a European author:

Greece - Decision at Delphi by Helen MacInnes

Austria - The Third Man by Graham Greene

France - I Will Repay by Baroness Orczy

Germany - All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

Netherlands - The Girl With a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier

Turkey - The Road From Home by David Kheridian

Czech Republic - The Metamorphosis by Frank Kafka

Russia - Russia's Man of Steel by Albert Marrin

Poland - The Trumpeter of Krakow by Eric P. Kelly

ItalyThe Confessions of St Augustine - Augustine lived and taught in Rome and afterwards Milan, where he was converted to Christianity.


Cleo said...

Oh good job! I've tried this challenge before and have had trouble hitting the more obscure countries book-wise. You've targeted countries well and even with a few children's books. Brava! :-)

Brian Joseph said...

Congratulations on completing this.

This is an impressive list of books. May your 2017 reading plans be just as fruitful.

Carol said...

Thank you! I read a few others but didn't list them as they were either from the same country or by the same author & then I realised that I could add Augustine, which I hadn't thought of until I was making the list above.

Carol said...

Thank you, Brian. Look forward to reading your reviews in 2017 :)