This is our Year 11 Australian/personalised adaption of Ambleside Online. We've finished Term 1 and are a couple of weeks into Term 2 so I'll update this post as we continue through the year.
* ** * *** In The Steps of the Master by H.V. Morton - Bible History & Geography
* Knowing God by J.I. Packer - continued from last year
Family line of Herod the Great
* ** *** A History of the Twentieth Century by Martin Gilbert
* A Short History of Australia by Ernest Scott (1953 Edition) We've used this in Year 9 up to the end of the first term of Year 11. We're using this one for Term 2 and 3 this year:
** *** A Short History of Australia by Manning Clark - starting at Ch 9: Radicals and Nationalists - 1883 - 1901
* World War I and World War II by Richard Maybury
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain - this is scheduled in Term 1 but it's been slow going so Miss 16 will be reading it this term as well.
* Stalin by Albert Marrin
** Hitler by Albert Marrin
Speeches That Shaped the Modern World by Alan J. Whiticker is our primary resource for Year 11 as well as some from the AO list that aren't too focussed on the USA. This book includes a couple of speeches made by Australian Prime Ministers.
* We of the Never-Never by Mrs Aeneas Gunn
* Glimpses of the Moon by Edith Wharton (see here for some details) - we used this instead of The Great Gatsby.
I'll be substituting another book in place of Brideshead Revisited but will include all the others.
* Shakespeare - Much Ado About Nothing
Short Stories & Essays
I've been cherry-picking titles from the AO list.
Current Affairs
* Digging For Richard III, How Archaeology Found the King by Mike Pitts - a great book to read after Josephine Tey's Daughter of Time.
* Endurance by Alfred Lansing
** *** Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall - a combination of geography, history, current events and politics.
* ** *** Novare General Biology by Heather Ayala and Katie Rogstad - this is a really in-depth biology book so we're not rushing through it. Lab work is included.
* The Microbe Hunters by Paul de Kruif
* Six Easy Pieces by Feynman - Miss 16 read four out of the six chapters and then I changed to this book:
** Storm in a Teacup: The Physics of Everyday Life by Helen Czerski - only 13 pages in but so far my daughter likes its conversational style. Thanks to Joy H on the AO Forum for mentioning this book.
* Aristides
Reading a section of this each week - two to three pages on a wide range of artists; well illustrated, short biographies.

Free Reading
Pastoral by Nevil Shute
The Far Country by Nevil Shute (set in Australia)
The Black Orchids by Rex Stout
The Silent Speaker by Rex Stout
Shane by Jack Schaefer
The Lonesome Gods by Louis L'Amour
The Yellow Poppy by D.K. Broster
The Jacobite Trilogy by D. K. Broster
Son by Lois Lowry
Caribbean Mystery by Agatha Christie
Books by Jackie French:
The Girl From Snowy River
Pennies for Hitler
Tom Appleby, Convict Boy
Stay tuned for updates...
This is very interesting to me Carol, as I will be planning a year 11 for my son before too long. Thank you for sharing.
Could you please elaborate on why you replaced Six Easy Pieces with Storm in a Teacup? Is the former book dry reading? It's funny that I read this because I literally ordered Six Easy Pieces about an hour before I read your post. In that respect, it's not too late to cancel it if there is a better option.
Hi Laura Jeanne,
I was going to continue with it as it's only scheduled a couple of pages at a time but there were times when my dd had trouble narrating it. I think her older brother would have been fine with it - he read Asimov's Understanding Physics but I haven't used that with her so it was more of an individualised decision. Her biology book is quite dense and I also wanted to lighten the science up a bit for her.
I can't say if Storm in a Teacup is a better option but you could ask on the AO Forum to see if Six Easy Pieces works well for others??
Thank you Carol! I will do that.
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